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Social norms and economic realities mean that child labour is widely accepted and very common in Bangladesh. Many families rely on the income generated by their children for survival, so child labour is often highly valued. Additionally, employers often prefer to employ children because they are cheaper and considered to be more compliant and
obedient than adults. When children are forced to work, they are often denied their rights to education, leisure and play. They are also exposed to situations that make them vulnerable to trafficking, abuse, violence and exploitation. Millions of children are reported not to attend school, however estimates vary. Among children aged 5-14, about five million, are economically active. “Child labour” is a narrower concept than “working children”. According to the International Labour Organisation definition (right), there are about 3.2 million child labourers in Bangladeshi. Certain groups of children are more likely to work than others, for instance boys comprise about three-quarters of all working children.